168 hours in a week. Where does your time go?

The real question that will set you apart from anyone else is what are you doing with your time? We have 168 hours in one week. 24 hours in one day. Find out how much of the time in your day is productive and unproductive. To be the best, we have to be deliberate with our time. We have to know our goals and values that we hold and be aware of them when we’re going through our days. Find out what’s important to you. That doesn’t mean we can’t watch TV for 2 hours a day, but we should be aware of that. We should be aware of the time we give ourselves to rest and recover. We should be aware of where we’re putting our energy into.

When we have down time, whatever we choose to do is in our control and that can be powerful for you. For example, how much time are you spending on social media that’s unproductive when you could be doing homework or something else that will be beneficial. Are you willing to sacrifice some of that social media time to put more time into school? We all have the same number of hours in a day, so what are you doing to make your time more valuable?


We have to think if our habits are lining up with who we want to be. If you have a goal to earn a spot on the field, or get in shape, then we have to look at our daily habits. You become what you repeatedly do and your habits become your identity. If we think of it like that, then we can think, “I want to become a starter”, or “I want to become a healthy person”. If we want to get better grades then think, “I want to be a student”. Then, we can define what those identities look like, by defining our SYSTEMS and habits. If we only go after the outcome of getting a good grade on our test, or earning a starting spot for one game, then we will never actually change. We will think that our goal is achieved and our motivation will disappear.

With everything you do lining up with your goal, think “what would a starter do?”, “What would a healthy person do”, “What would a student do?”. If the goal is to become successful at hitting, become a hitter. When you practice hitting each day, you’re becoming a hitter. When we start out with wanting to change, we have to establish something that we can control every day. Start small and start with only a few reps a day instead of a million reps. You have to start small to get big. Repeatedly doing something will build the momentum to keep doing it, and consistency will be your best friend.

Action Plan:

  • Find out everything you do that makes up 168 hours in a week. Find out how many hours you’re sleeping, how many hours that you’re doing homework, eating, etc. Even the unproductive things, find out everything that you do. Maybe you’re realizing that you need a better routine, or a plan to be more productive. For example, writing out a morning routine for me helped me wake up at a decent time and not be on my phone in bed for an hour. I wrote things that I wanted to do and turned it into action. Writing out what my 168 hours in a week consisted of helped me realize the things I need to make more time for and things that I could take out or give less time to.

  • Find out what your goals are. By looking at where you put your energy into the week, you can realize if what you’re doing lines up with your goals. It will become really apparent if you’re on the right track or could do better


Don’t Forget About The Small Wins


Don’t Try. Do.