Main Practices

For softball athletes, mental performance coaching is particularly important because the sport is both physically and mentally demanding. The ability to stay focused, manage stress, embrace pressure, and maintain confidence can be the difference between winning and losing. How often are you working on your mental game?

Personalized 1-on-1 Coaching

Personalized mental skills coaching for softball athletes. The coaching is tailored to each individual athletes desires and needs, allowing for personalized attention and growth.


Mental skill sets and action plans to:

- create emotional and performance consistency within athletes to excel on and off the field

- Complement the technical and physical abilities of your game

- Develop a skill set to enhance the mental part of this game

Values You Will See

Relationships: Strongly believe in creating and growing a connection with others.

Integrity: Create a safe space to build honesty and being willing to open up and be your true self to get the most out of yourself.

Growth: Always striving to be better than yesterday and continuing to learn.


  • 12 week long mental skills training program

    Meetings with individual athletes will go over topics including, but not limited to, confidence, self-awareness, consistency, and emotional control. Content is specific to the athlete. Meetings are confidential allowing the athlete to speak openly.

  • 3 day team session working on developing various mental skills

  • Gain a step above competition with on demand courses to learn mental strategies and techniques for your softball career. Click to learn more, or sign up now!

  • Subscribe here and take the first step towards unlocking your mental greatness and discovering the power of personalized coaching

Key Foundations

  • Self-Awareness

    Start to understand yourself and why you play and your purpose. Understand your abilities and tendencies because when you know yourself you can trust yourself.

  • Thoughts

    When you realize that your thoughts affect your actions, you hold power that will help you find clarity with what is going on in your head.

  • Present Moment Focus

    To be consistent with your performance, constantly being in the present moment will help you excel in this game. Learn how to refocus when you get checked out.

  • Confidence

    Confidence is a skill that can be improved. Learn and create action plans about the different ways that you can earn confidence.

  • Goal Setting

    When you have goals individually and as a team, you have a clear vision of what you’re striving for.

  • Overcoming Failure

    Get deep with your relationship with failure and look at it differently